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Please see the new Sections v2 Flex Height Demo for the lastest Stacks 3 features.

Sections can do a lot of different things, simply and easily. This is not just about angles and arrows - this is a truly powerful stack.

With full magellan integration (and 0.01rem positioning of the marker position)

Foundation Equalise Height for equal height sections in columns

This site contains example and tutorial pages to help you get the most from Sections

Sections is available for free from Big White Duck.

If you find Sections or any of our stacks useful it would be great if you could make a donation to support the running and distribution costs.


Sections With Connectors

You can use sections in lots of different ways.

This section has a background gradient applied and an arrow at the bottom.

Set up is simple and the intelligent auto padding even accounts for any angles you may set on the section

My Image

Lots of styles

You can achieve lots of subtle (and not so subtle) effects with combinations of sections, connectors and background gradients

This is a single sections with an angled two tone background. Sections also work inside Foundation Columns as well, like the next section

My Image

Sections don't need to have any color at all. Often less is more.

This is a white section but as you can see, the colored connectors tie it in to the rest of the page flow.

Below are some equalized height sections within a 3 column stack - inside this section.

Sections inside Sections

Work just fine.
These sections are in a 3Col stack within the white section

You may notice something special here.

Sections are Foundation Equalise Height capable, so all the section backgrounds can be used in equal height columns.

and what is more

- it works with images as well.


Sections don't have to be square. You can apply an angle to any section you like.

You can have the background either follow the angle, stay horizontal or you can set any custom angle you like

Connector (arrows and shapes) placement is totally controllable

... as is the angle

Please bear in mind...

Everything you see on this demo page is done with the Sections stack

The only other stacks on the page are Columns (Grummage), Headers and Paragraph.

Obviously there is a TopBar in Magellan mode to link to the sections but that is it.

Also, the usual duck caveat - this page is not an exercise in tasteful design. It is designed to show you at least a little of what is achievable with sections.

Background Images

It was requested and I said no.......

......then I got carried away and did it anyway........

So now you can do this......

I believe you wanted to do this!

You can even do this....

So that is a the sections stack in one page.

Remeber - Sections is more than angled backgrounds. It is ideal for Magellan based pages, equalized height backgrounds and much more beside.

There is so much more you can do with it.

Use it and find out.

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Stacks used on this page

Foundation Theme & stacks


Grummage Column Stacks

Header Plus


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Big White Duck

Free Stacks for Foundation and other RapidWeaver Themes

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Big White Duck

Free Stacks for Foundation and other RapidWeaver Themes

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