

All Theme Compatibility

Paragraph Pro Compatibility

Paragraph Pro will work in all RapidWeaver themes as a powerful replacement for the Text Stack.

You can see a version of the homepage of this site using the Flood Theme here. The project file for this is also included in the demo download.

Foundation Users benefit from all the extra Foundation features that Paragraph Pro harnesses from the Foundation theme. This adds zero code to your page whether you use Foundation or not.

A note for Paragraph Plus Users.

Very soon Paragraph Plus will be retired in favor of Paragraph Pro.

You should start using Paragraph Pro immediately. It is a lot more efficient and powerful.

Using a Paragraph Pro stack in your Foundation projects is no different to using a standard Foundation Paragraph except that you get a lot more functionality.

Even the extra CSS driven features in the main stack add ZERO code to your page unless they are enabled. This is the most efficient solution available.

Non Foundation Users.

For 18 months, Foundation users have benefited from the flexible styling options and power of Paragraph Plus.

Paragraph Pro brings all these features to other themes as well.

All Themes

Without any of the effects child stacks add Paragraph Pro adds ZERO Javascript to your page. This is because of the way the stack is designed using child stacks for the features.
Paragraph Pro is unique in this respect.

Every aspect of Paragraph Pro has been designed to keep it as lightweight in use as possible without compromising on features. This is important for text stacks as there are likely to be many on the page. Code is only added to your page if you explicitly enable a feature.


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Big White Duck provides free stacks for RapidWeaver.

Your generous donations support running costs and are always gently appreciated.

(C) 2016 Big White Duck Stacks.