Schema Property: (input) The name of the schema property
Enable: When Enable is set to true
Default: description
Paragraph Pro - Edit Mode
Hide Child Stacks: (button-2) Turn this off to add or edit an effect. It is ON by DEFAULT to save space in the edit mode window.
Default: [true, false]
Info: Select SHOW to add or edit child effect stacks. It is off be default to save space.
Paragraph Pro - Styles
Style: (select) Choose to use theme text colors, custom colors or Foundation Site Styles Swatches
Default: Default (Theme or Foundation Site Styles)
Possible Values:
Default (Theme or Foundation Site Styles)
Custom Links Only
Alternate (Foundation Only)
Swatch 1 (Foundation Only)
Swatch 2 (Foundation Only)
Swatch 3 (Foundation Only)
Swatch 4 (Foundation Only)
Swatch 5 (Foundation Only)
Swatch 6 (Foundation Only)
Text: (color) The color of the text
Enable: When Style is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Links: (color-2) The color of the links
Enable: When Style is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Links: (color-2) The color of the links
Enable: When Style is set to customLinks
Allows Opacity: true
Align: (select) Text alignment
Default: Left
Possible Values:
Remove Bottom Margin?: (checkbox) Remove the bottom margin that is added to paragraphs by many themes
Default: false
Align Center on Mobile?: (checkbox) When selected it will center the text for mobile
Default: false
Paragraph Pro - Type Setting
Sizing: (select) Adjust he size and spacing of the characters
Default: Default (Theme)
Possible Values:
Default (Theme)
Custom - Basic Responsive
Custom - Advanced Responsive
Typeset Vault 1
Typeset Vault 2
Typeset Vault 3
Typeset Vault 4
Typeset Vault 5
Typeset Vault 6
Size: (number-2) Set custom font size to be used on desktop and small screens (less than 640px wide).
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom
Default: [1, 0.95]rem
Min Value: 0rem
Max Value: 20rem
Font Size: (number-4) Responsive breakpoint controlled font sizing
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom advanced
Default: [0.9, 1, 1, 1]
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 6
Font Size Units: (select) The units of measurement for the font size
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom advanced
Default: rem
Possible Values:
Pixels - px: Font size specified in pixels
rem: Font size specified in rem's
em: Font size specified in em's
%: Font size specified as a percentage of the root font size.
Breakpoints: (number-2) The minimum sizes at which the medium and large font sizes are used.
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom-adv
Default: [480, 640]
Min Value: 300
Max Value: 9000
XL Breakpoint: (number) The minimum width at which XL sized text is displayed
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom-adv
Default: 2000
Min Value: 900
Max Value: 9000
Breakpoint Units: (select) The units of measurement for the font size breakpoints
Enable: When Sizing is set to custom-adv
Default: Pixels - px
Possible Values:
Pixels - px: Breakpoints in pixels
Rem: Breakpoints in rem
Custom Spacing: (button-3) Apply custom spacing to the line height, letters and words.
Default: [false, false, false]
Line Height: (number) The line height of the text
Enable: When Custom Line Height is set to true
Default: 1.6
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 3
Letter Spacing: (slider) Fine tune the spacing between letters.
Enable: When Custom Letter Spacing is set to true
Default: 0px
Min Value: -2px
Max Value: 4px
Word Spacing: (slider) Fine tune the spacing between words
Enable: When Custom Word Spacing is set to true
Default: 0px
Min Value: -4px
Max Value: 6px
Paragraph Pro - Font
Show Fonts in Edit?: (checkbox) Shows custom and google fonts in edit mode. !!WARNING!! DOING THIS MAY CAUSE PAGE JUMPS IN EDIT MODE. THIS IS NORMAL AND THIS SETTING SHOULD ONLY BE USED AS A QUICK PREVIEW. DO NOT REPORT THIS AS A BUG TO EITHER YOURHEAD OR BWD. Use this setting with responsibility or you will loose it totally
Default: false
Font: (select) The font scheme for the Paragraph Pro
Default: Theme Default
Possible Values:
Theme Default
Google Font
Web Font
Font Vault 1
Font Vault 2
Font Vault 3
Font Vault 4
Font Vault 5
Font Vault 6
Font Vault 7
Font Vault 8
Fallback Font: (select) Use a serif or sans-serif font face if google fornts are not available online.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font g-font
Possible Values:
Font Name: (input) Ensure you type the name exactly is it appears on the Google Fonts website including spaces and numbers. Press Enter when done.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font g-font
Italic: (checkbox) Font italics faces are not available in all Google Fonts.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font g-font
Default: false
Font Weight: (select) Font Weight: see Google Fonts Website for weights available for each font.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font g-font
Default: 400 (Normal)
Possible Values:
200 (Light)
300 (Book)
400 (Normal)
500 (Medium)
600 (Semi Bold)
700 (Bold)
800 (Extra Bold)
Load new?: (button-2) Load a new font that has not been used previously on this page? If you have already loaded it elsewhere you should select Existing and only enter the family name that you gave it when you loaded it.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Default: [true, false]
Fallback Font: (select) This is the font that will be used if the selected font cannot be downloaded from the server or is unavailable for any reason
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Default: Sans Serif
Possible Values:
Sans Serif
Base URL: (link) Enter a a base url and file name without an extention. For example Paragraph Pro will then add aappropriate extensions as per the file types you select.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Load Files: (checkbox-4) Select the font file types that will be used
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Default: [true, true, true, false]
****: (checkbox-2) Select the font file types that will be used
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Default: [true, false]
font-family Name: (input) You can enter a unique font family name for this font face. This will be the font name that people see if they inspect your site. If you already have loaded a font with Paragraph Pro, Font Styles or Font Pro and know its font-family name, enter it here and select EXISTING in the load new setting. You only ever need to load a font once per page.
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Info: Only load a font once per page. Other stacks can then use the family name. HOVER FOR MORE INFO
Add !important?: (button) NOTE: Only use this setting in exteme cases where another Font stack or your theme is over riding the Paragraph Pro settings
Enable: When Font is set to custom-font web-font
Default: [false]
Paragraph Pro - Column Flow
Columnize text?: (button-2) Allow the paragraph text to flow across repsonsive columns in a newspaper style.
Default: [false, true]
Info: Hover here for tip about enabling columns in edit mode
Add divider lines?: (checkbox) Add vertical divider lines between the columns
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: false
Width: (number) The width of the divider lines in pixels
Enable: When Add divider lines? is set to true
Default: 1.5px
Min Value: px
Max Value: px
Divider Color: (color) The color of the divider lines
Enable: When Add divider lines? is set to true
Allows Opacity: true
Small: (number-2) Set the number of columns and the gutter (spacing) over which to flow the text.
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: [1, 0]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Medium: (number-2) Set the number of columns and the gutter (spacing) over which to flow the text.
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: [2, 40]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Large: (number-2) Set the number of columns and the gutter (spacing) over which to flow the text.
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: [3, 40]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Extra Large: (number-2) Set the number of columns and the gutter (spacing) over which to flow the text.
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: [3, 40]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Breakpoints: (number-4) Set the breakpoints at which the column settings will take effect
Enable: When Columnize text? is set to true
Default: [480, 640, 1000, 2000]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Paragraph Pro - Vertical Rhythm
Adjust Rhythm: (button-2) You can adjust the spacing above and below the paragraph to correct for an inconsistent vertical rhythm on your page. This will affect all Paragraph Pro stacks on the page. If you set it in more than one instance, the last one will take priority according to normal CSS rules. The stack which you have enabled to adjust Rhythm will appear with a light blue outline.
Default: [false, true]
Spacing: (number-2) Add spacing above or below to compensate for poor vertical rhythm on your page
Enable: When Adjust Rhythm is set to true
Default: [0, 0]
Min Value:
Max Value:
Units: (select) The units of measurement for the vertical rhythm adjustment
Enable: When Adjust Rhythm is set to true
Possible Values:
rem (Recommended): The vertical rhythm spacing should ideally be specified in REM.
px (Not Recommended): Only use pixels if you understand that this is an invalid technique and have a good reason to do so.
Paragraph Pro - Advanced
Custom Class: (input) Enter a custom class to which additional CSS can be targetted
Paragraph Pro allows all the control you ever wanted for a text stack in a light weight super efficient package.
Fully responsive with lots of control over the layout on both desktop and smaller screens.
Read More Child Stack Settings
Read More - Setup
Initial State: (select) Choose how the paragraph is displayed when the page is loaded
Default: Collapsed
Possible Values:
Collapsed Height: (number) The height in pixels of the paragraph when collapsed. If you are using a 16px base font size (1 rem with a line height of 1.6) then multiples of 16 will ensure only whole lines are shown. So the default value of 96 will show 4 lines
Default: 48px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 2000px
Reveal Speed: (slider) The speed of the open / close animation
Default: 120ms
Min Value: 1ms
Max Value: 1500ms
Style collapsed text color?: (checkbox) You can apply a different color or an opacity to the text in its collapsed state. The expanded state will use the normal theme settings for text.
Default: false
Collapsed Color: (color) The color of the text when collapsed
Enable: When Style collapsed text color? is set to true
Allows Opacity: true
Remove Text Bottom Margin?: (checkbox) Remove the bottom margin that is added to paragraphs by many themes so that there is no gap. You can also set this in the main settings. This is an additional setting for convenience.
Default: false
Scroll back to top.: (checkbox) Scroll the page back up to the top of the paragraph. This is useful with very long paragraphs, particularly with text in columns.
Default: false
Read More - Link
Order: (select) Choose how the paragraph is displayed when the page is loaded
Default: Icon - Text
Possible Values:
Icon - Text
Text - Icon
Show Icon: (input) The font awesone icon for the read more link. You can find the icon codes at (make sure that you use the full name starting fa- )
Default: fa-chevron-down
Show Label: (input) The text that will be shown to reveal the truncated text
Default: Read More
Hide Icon: (input) The font awesone icon for the read less link. You can find the icon codes at (make sure that you use the full name starting fa- )
Default: fa-chevron-up
Hide Label: (input) The text that will be shown to hide the truncated text
Default: Read Less
Show Hide Link in edit?: (checkbox) Shows the hide link in edit mode to make stying easier.
Default: false
Icon Alignment: (select) Choose how the paragraph is displayed when the page is loaded
Possible Values:
Bottom Padding: (number) The space below the readmore link before the next element on page. 1rem will be equivalent to one line of text.
Default: 1rem
Min Value: 0rem
Max Value: 4rem
Read More - Link Styles
Align: (select) The alignment of the Read More link, either Left, Center or Right relavtive to the paragraph.
Possible Values:
Top Spacing: (number) Adjust the space between the label and the paragraph text.
Default: 0px
Min Value: -100px
Max Value: 100px
Left Offset: (number) Indent the position of the readmore link from the left of the paragraph.
Enable: When Align is set to link-left
Default: 0px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 500px
Right Offset: (number) Indent the position of the readmore link from the right of the paragraph.
Enable: When Align is set to link-right
Default: 0px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 500px
Link Colors: (select) Choose to use the default theme colors for links or to custom style the readmore link
Possible Values:
Theme Colors
Custom Colors
Color: (color-2) The color of the readmore link and the link when hovered
Enable: When Link Colors is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Drop Cap Child Stack Settings
Drop Cap - Responsive
Hide Drop Cap: (select) Remove the drop capital effect for smaller screens
Default: Never
Possible Values:
Mobile Portrait
Mobile Landscape
Tablet Portrait
Tablet Landscape
Drop Cap - Setup
Height: (slider) Approximately how many lines of text the Drop Cap will occupy. This will be affected by any custom sizing you apply in the "Style and Size" Settings
Default: 3lines
Min Value: 1lines
Max Value: 10lines
Size and Layout: (select) Customize the appearance of the drop capital
Default: Automatic
Possible Values:
Info: Use the RapidWeaver Preview mode while adjusting these settings to make setup easier.
Font Size: (slider) Over ride that automatic font size of the Drop Cap to fine tune its appearance.
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 1rem
Min Value: 0rem
Max Value: 6rem
Top Margin: (slider) This can be negative to pull up the Drop Cap
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 0px
Min Value: -60px
Max Value: 60px
Bottom Margin: (slider) This can be negative to get the following text closer to the drop cap
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 0px
Min Value: -60px
Max Value: 60px
Top Padding: (slider) The Padding to the right of the Drop Cap
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 0px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 30px
Bottom Padding: (slider) The Padding to the bottom of the Drop Cap. This is in rem's where 1 rem is approx 1 line of text
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 0rem
Min Value: 0rem
Max Value: 10rem
Left Padding: (slider) The padding to the left of the Drop Cap
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 0px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 30px
Right Padding: (slider) The Padding to the right of the Drop Cap
Enable: When Size and Layout is set to custom
Default: 3px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 30px
Info: Styling Tip: To move a letter down it is best to apply top padding and a negative bottom margin.
Bold?: (checkbox) Make the drop cap bold
Default: true
Capitalize?: (checkbox) Always make the Drop Cap a capital letter
Default: true
Drop Cap - Font
Font: (select) Customise the appearance of the drop capital
Possible Values:
Paragraph Font
Google Font
Font Vault 1
Font Vault 2
Font Vault 3
Font Vault 4
Font Vault 5
Font Vault 6
Font Vault 7
Font Vault 8
Google Font: (input) Ensure you type the name exactly is it appears on the Google Fonts website including spaces and numbers. Press Enter when done.
Enable: When Font is set to custom
Fallback Font: (select) Use a serif or sans-serif font face if google fornts are not available online.
Enable: When Font is set to custom
Possible Values:
Font Weight: (select) Font Weight: see Google Fonts Website for weights available for each font.
Enable: When Font is set to custom
Default: 400 (Normal)
Possible Values:
200 (Light)
300 (Book)
400 (Normal)
500 (Medium)
600 (Semi Bold)
700 (Bold)
800 (Extra Bold)
Subset? (Recommended): (checkbox) Only load a single letter from the font for speed. You must specify the letter manually in the CORRECT CASE - i.e. upper or lower case.
Default: true
First Character: (input) You must specify the first letter of your paragraph manually in the CORRECT CASE - i.e. upper or lower case.
Enable: When Subset? (Recommended) is set to true
Drop Cap - Styling
Color: (button-2) Choose to color the drop cap differently from the rest of the paragraph
Default: [true, false]
Custom Color: (color) The color of the drop capital text
Enable: When Color is set to true
Allows Opacity: true
Drop Cap - Effects
Apply an Effect?: (button) You can apply 3D outline or dropshadows to additionally style the drop cap
Default: [false]
Effect: (select) Customise the appearance of the drop capital
Enable: When Apply an Effect? is set to true
Default: 3 D
Possible Values:
3 D
Outline Stroke
Drop Shadow
Effect: (color) The color of the text effect
Enable: When Apply an Effect? is set to true
Allows Opacity: true
Offset: (slider) The Offset Control is not used with 3D
Enable: When Apply an Effect? is set to true
Default: 1
Min Value: 1
Max Value: 10
Blur: (slider) The Blur Control is not used with 3D
Enable: When Apply an Effect? is set to true
Default: 5
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 10
Floating Image Child Stack Settings
Image - Setup
Mobile (Required): (image) The image used for the background on Mobile devices. You must add an image to this setting. This image will be used if you do not specify an image for larger devices.
Enable: When Warehouse Image? is set to false
URL: (link) The url to the image used for the background on Mobile devices. You must add an image to this setting. This image will be used if you do not specify an image for larger devices.
Enable: When Warehouse Image? is set to true
Warehouse Image?: (checkbox) Use a warehoused image for the background image
Default: false
Alt Text: (input) The alternative text that is added to the image
Default: AltText
Opacity: (number) Set the background Image Opacity
Default: 100%
Min Value: 0%
Max Value: 100%
Image - Padding
Padding: (number-4) Detailed padding
Enable: When ** is set to true
Default: px
Min Value: px
Max Value: px
Padding: (slider) Apply padding to the post articles
Enable: When ** is set to false
Default: 0px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 100px
Image - Position and Size
Align: (select) Image aligment relative to the paragraph text
Default: Left
Possible Values:
Top Center
Width: (select) Text alignment
Default: Responsive Proportional
Possible Values:
Responsive Proportional
Fixed Width
Width: (number) The fixed width of the image in pixels. The height is automatic based on the image size.
Enable: When Width is set to fixed-width
Default: 200px
Min Value: 0px
Max Value: 2000px
Width: (number) The width of the image as a percentage of the total width of the paragraph
Enable: When Width is set to prop-width
Default: 20%
Min Value: 0%
Max Value: 100%
Width Limits: (number-2) The minimum and maximum allowable widths for the image in pixels
Enable: When Width is set to prop-width
Default: [100, 250]px
Min Value: px
Max Value: px
Image - Responsive
Stack above text: (select) Remove the drop capital effect for smaller screens
Default: Never
Possible Values:
Mobile Portrait
Mobile Landscape
Tablet Portrait
Tablet Landscape
Full width when stacked?: (checkbox) Makes the image the width of its container when stacked. When not enabled, the maximum width specified will be obeyed and the image will be horizontally centered.
Default: false
Hide: (select) Remove the drop capital effect for smaller screens
Default: Never
Possible Values:
Mobile Portrait
Mobile Landscape
Tablet Portrait
Tablet Landscape
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