ButtonPlus v.1.1

Version 1.1 adds the following features

Hover Text Color in Ghost Mode

The hover text can now be controlled which is useful if you are using a hover background color with transparent non-hovered backgrounds.

This was previously a problem when transitioning from a transparent background with white text to a light coloured hover background.

The hover text color function has to be enabled via the adjacent check box. This is to retain compatibility with ButtonPlus stacks that are already in use with no hover text color assigned.

Your existing sites that use ButtonPlus will therefore still work as before without applying an unwanted default hover color.

Ghost Border Inside

Below the Ghost Border Width control there is now a checkbox to enable Border Inside.

This will cause the Ghost Border to be positioned within the bounds of the button element and so the button will not grow in size by the border width.

This is useful if you have a Ghost button next to a non-Ghost button and want them to match perfectly in height without manual adjustment using custom sizing.

Custom Class

At the bottom of the settings you can now add a custom class to control individual styles of any or all of your buttonPlus instances.