HTML Tag Type: (select) Choose the html tag for this Typer stack text. You can over ride the size of any tag type using the Custom option in Typer Text : Style
Default: Paragraph Text
Possible Values:
Paragraph Text
Shrink in edit mode: (checkbox) Makes all the text in this stack 16px to save space in edit mode. The selected font size will be used for preview and publish
Default: false
Typer - Text Settings
Non Animated: (button-2) Add lead in and following text that is not part of the animation cycle
Default: [false, false]
Align: (select) Text alignment
Default: Left
Possible Values:
Collapse Margins: (checkbox) Removes all margins from the text
Default: true
Text Styles: (select) The sizing and colors used for the Typer text
Default: Default (Theme Style)
Possible Values:
Default (Theme Style)
Alternate (Foundation Only)
Animated Text: (color) The color of the animated text
Enable: When Text Styles is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Non Animated: (color-2) The colors of non animated text
Enable: When Text Styles is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Highlighter: (select) The sizing and colors used for the Typer text
Default: Default (Inverse Colors)
Possible Values:
Default (Inverse Colors)
Custom Colors
Colors: (color-2) The colors of the lead-in and following (non animated) text
Enable: When Highlighter is set to custom
Allows Opacity: true
Font Size: (number-2) Define custom sizes for mobile and larger screens.
Enable: When Text Styles is set to custom
Default: [1, 1]rem
Min Value: 1rem
Max Value: 30rem
****: (number-2) Define custom sizes for normal desktop and widescreen displays
Enable: When Text Styles is set to custom
Default: [1, 1]rem
Min Value: 1rem
Max Value: 30rem
Font Source: (select) Choose the source of the font to use.
Possible Values:
Theme Fonts
Google Fonts
Custom Web Font
Font Vault 1
Font Vault 2
Font Vault 3
Font Vault 4
Font Vault 5
Font Vault 6
Font Vault 7
Font Vault 8
Hide in Edit Mode: (button) IMPORTANT: If you do not hide Google fonts in Edit mode you will experience page jumps while editing stacks. Only de-select this button to briefly check that the font has loaded correctly and for sizing setup.
Enable: When Font Source is set to google-font or web-font
Default: [true]
Fallback Font: (select) Use a serif or sans-serif font face if google fonts are not available online.
Enable: When Font Source is set to google-font
Possible Values:
Font Name: (input) Ensure you type the name exactly is it appears on the Google Fonts website including spaces and numbers. Press Enter when done.
Enable: When Font Source is set to google-font
Italic: (checkbox) Italic variants are not available in all Google Fonts.
Enable: When Font Source is set to google-font
Default: false
Font Weight: (select) Font Weight: see Google Fonts Website for weights available for each font.
Enable: When Font Source is set to google-font
Default: 400 (Normal)
Possible Values:
200 (Light)
300 (Book)
400 (Normal)
500 (Medium)
600 (Semi Bold)
700 (Bold)
800 (Extra Bold)
Font Name: (input) Enter a font family name to identify this font. You can use this name in other stacks that require this font without loading it separately again
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
EOT File: (link) Select your EOT file
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
TTF File: (link) Select your TTF file
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
WOFF File: (link) Select your WOF file
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
WOFF2 File: (link) Select your WOFF2 file
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
SVG File: (link) Select your SVG file
Enable: When Font Source is set to custom-font
Info: Link each file to the URL of your font. Use all types for cross browser compatibility
Typer - Animation
Start When?: (select) Choose when the typer animation begins. Either immediately or when the stack comes into view in the browser.
Default: On Page Load
Possible Values:
On Page Load
When in View
After Delay
Delay: (number) The delay in millisceconds before the typer animation will begin after it enters the browser window
Enable: When Start When? is set to in view or delay
Default: 50ms
Min Value: 0ms
Max Value: 9000ms
Animation: (select) Choose the source of the font to use.
Default: Continuous (loop)
Possible Values:
Continuous (loop)
Once Only
Type Out Phrase (Typewriter Mode)
Cycle Time: (number) The time taken to complete each highlight and replace
Default: 3000ms
Min Value: 0ms
Max Value: 30000ms
Highlight Speed: (number) The speed at which the highlighter will select the text
Default: 20ms
Min Value: 0ms
Max Value: 100ms
Type Speed: (number) The speed at which the text will type out
Default: 100ms
Min Value: 10ms
Max Value: 500ms
Clear Delay: (number) The delay in millisceconds before the typed text will be highlighted prior to clearing
Default: 500ms
Min Value: 0ms
Max Value: 4000ms
Smart Replace: (checkbox) When enabled, all the text will be replaced on each animation cycle. When unchecked a smart replace will be performed and only the changed words or phrases will be replaced.
Default: true
Random: (checkbox) Change the words randomly rather than in the order entered.
Default: false
Typer - Advanced
Separater Char: (select) Choose the character that will divide up the phrases to animate. The default is a comma, but if you need to use a comma in your text you can change it to an alternative and so on.